Final book cover with all of the blurbs and quites and what have you added on. My favorite part of this book cover is the spine, because I detest this, I didn't have a real idea of what I wanted to do throughout the entire project and I think it reflected in my work. If I had to change anything about this book cover, it would be everything. Except the spine.

 Set of five examples of how each type face could be arranged and fit onto the cover,  all were placed to try and not detract from the imagery, but still be easily read. top left looks the best, but it's a little big.

Quick look at type styles that would fit in with the style of my book cover design, a printed and rough look.

The first set of developed ideas for one flew over the cuckoos nest book cover, the main idea behind this was to give it a really gritty and decayed looked, sort of like an indications as to the mental states of some of the characters in the book. the initial Idea was made from cardboard, and painted roughly with oil based paints, so it would look rough when it was scanned in.
 Presentation numero 2, looking at three different design studio's and their different styles.

Presentation numero 1, for the book cover project three contrasting style artists, information contained within the presentation.

Quick inspiration board done for the book cover project, hashed together in a short time picking out all of the styles I enjoy the most, although throughout the period of this project, I totally ignored it/forgot about it and did something in a completely different style. These kinds of illustrations appeal the most to me because of the way they look very fluid and simplistic, or have a very simplistic sketched out style, which give the illusion of a very complicated design when they're not.